= {...};'
Tuesday, January 23, 2018
Friday, April 5, 2013
HYE peeps.. its been so long since my last post. ^^V
aha~ my brain said no more writing but my heart want to write something..
First thing first, actually i just finished my Restaurant Operation paper this morning and two more papers to go and after that ill be starting my practical! grrrrrr~
well~ those have nothing to do with my title right! (title nak gempak jek... GELABAH!)
Im envy with all my friends they have such determination and courage to study like crazy and they got a really damn good scores for every subject, but not me. i cant even stand any book that have something to do with my study more than 15minutes. it makes me suffer with such boredom.. im not that clever anything it just that lucky always on my side when it come to study... im not at all genius or intelligent, im just ordinary girl..who is very damn lazy~
Even though lucky is always on my side, i must say that thank goodness i have this kind of not so bright brain because it help me a lot..
welL~ why i said not so bright and then i said it help me alot? GOSH! u're weird babe~ pfft
FIRST ~> not so bright because my brain has a thing called scatter brain which im easy to forget things...this is why i only study a night before the exam because im scared that the memory of it might lost if i study to early.. (stupid right!) and this is one of the reason why im such a clumsy person always forget where i put my things and bla..bla..bla...
SECOND ~> then why this brain help me a lot? becuz it does~ daaah~~ well mostly because i will learn faster than others but at the same time forget it faster than others.. hahahha~ since it only remember for a short time.. i dont have to study early...(it suits me well since im damn lazy)
so guyz... dont ever said that i dont need to work to get what i achieved right now... GOD made us different so that we can help each other not to make comparison to each other....
& peeps.. i also have thing i had to sacrifice to get what i got now. :)
aha~ my brain said no more writing but my heart want to write something..
First thing first, actually i just finished my Restaurant Operation paper this morning and two more papers to go and after that ill be starting my practical! grrrrrr~
well~ those have nothing to do with my title right! (title nak gempak jek... GELABAH!)
Im envy with all my friends they have such determination and courage to study like crazy and they got a really damn good scores for every subject, but not me. i cant even stand any book that have something to do with my study more than 15minutes. it makes me suffer with such boredom.. im not that clever anything it just that lucky always on my side when it come to study... im not at all genius or intelligent, im just ordinary girl..who is very damn lazy~
Even though lucky is always on my side, i must say that thank goodness i have this kind of not so bright brain because it help me a lot..
welL~ why i said not so bright and then i said it help me alot? GOSH! u're weird babe~ pfft
FIRST ~> not so bright because my brain has a thing called scatter brain which im easy to forget things...this is why i only study a night before the exam because im scared that the memory of it might lost if i study to early.. (stupid right!) and this is one of the reason why im such a clumsy person always forget where i put my things and bla..bla..bla...
SECOND ~> then why this brain help me a lot? becuz it does~ daaah~~ well mostly because i will learn faster than others but at the same time forget it faster than others.. hahahha~ since it only remember for a short time.. i dont have to study early...(it suits me well since im damn lazy)
so guyz... dont ever said that i dont need to work to get what i achieved right now... GOD made us different so that we can help each other not to make comparison to each other....
& peeps.. i also have thing i had to sacrifice to get what i got now. :)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Ya Allah~
Da lame rupenye diriku tidak meng-UPDATEkan blog ni...lamenye itu sudah berbulan2..
which is nak dekat setahun.... (hahaha~ giler la-)
byk ni nak kena update ni....kuikuikui [mcm la ade org bce kn :p]
the last thing i post before was about dri saya yg sgt busy dgn assgmnt dan sbgai nye la kn.... well~ Alhamdulillah... sem1 yg sgt menakutkan tu berakhir dgn jayanye. [ececeh-wah..] serious xsangke pom kita ke-dekanan wak.. belajar pon mls... inikan plak nak buat revision lg la tidok...berkat DOA IBU nan AYAH yg xpenah putus2 doakan PUTRI BONGSU mereka ini yg membantu sbenanye & xlupe juga dgn MAHA ESA yg SATU dgn keizinan-NYA ... saya berjaya mengharungi sem1 dgn FLYING COLORS..Alhamdulillah...
sbenanye org da pon selesai final exam sem2..skg..tgh cuti sem pom..
[so!~ nmpk x betpe lamenye saya x update blog ni?]
serious~ disbbkan time sem1 dulu mmg xd mslh ppe nan housemate.. [mereka punye best xd tolok banding nan mane2 housemate org lain]
stiap hari..saya xhenti2 memanjatkan doa kpd Allah S.A.W. spye kami dipertemukan semula di sem2 di rumah yg same....
doa kita xsemestinye ditunaikan kn? [sesungguhnya ALLAH mempunyai peRANCANGan yg lebih BAIK utk KITA bkn?]
=well~~ this is the results=
aya & ivy =disatukan disatu rumah [same room]
una & chuckie & nisa & tasha = berada di satu blik
fara + saya = dipisahkan drpd dorg semua...
[n kami bkn stu rumah pon..]
+ di awal sem fara mendpt twrn SPA (nursing) n dia decide utk pergi so kami kehilngn seorg kwn yg sgt la lawak! miss her sooo much!
nmpk cm nurse garangkn~ |
hahaha~ wtfish kn!
but saya besyukur sb housemate baru saya sgt la okey n sgt la baik.... mule2 mmg la...stiap ari g tido bilik una... [hahhaha~ cm dak kecik] tp lps satu ketika tu..ketika saya dlm keadaan MABUK [bkn mabuk alcohol k!] mabuk disbbkan hati yg duka...i've decided to sleep at my own room... so start dri situ la saya mule bekenalan nan kwn serumah..n I realized mereka pom same jek gile cm saya...
n i got one STEP-MOTHER in that house.. [cool kn~]
mereka tersgtlah baik n tersgtlah happening...
JIHA c jijah
my MAK TIRI ler~
okeyh! DONE with my HOUSEMATE!!!
okey..after entering the 2nd sem ni... saya start buat hal.. i tried to jauhkan diri actually not TRIED but I DID menjauhkan diri....
drpd Geng Bus Skolah saya.. [OMGay! y?]
well! guess what?!
i dont have the answer...
sorryguyz~ i really am, sorry... for what had happened..
really miss this moment.. |
slepas sya bepisah dgn mereka [cm cpl plak]
[they still my bff k! no matter what happened]
slps agak xrpt nan GBS saya..saya mula mengenali dua org
i call them that becuz mereka mempunyai kesabaran yg xterkira byknye! [cume kurg drpd ALLAH la kn..]
melayan kerenah si budak kecil ini...
DUA org BUDAK GILE tu ialah...
= me the MOCHI
[sori xletak gmbr korg]
this sem i think the most relaxing semester i will ever have...
this sem cume ade one ACTUAL presentation + two JUST for FUN presentation
&& assignment pom xrase cm assignment...
++ the final practical test.. Alhamdulillah...
going quiet well....
carry marks a bit lower than sem 1... [ ayoyok ]
INSYAALLAH klo dikehendaki ALLAH
everything goings to be okey.. INSYAALLAH....
FINAL EXAM pon i think i did well...
xharap pon dpt dekan but saya xmahu hampakan my PARENTS
they want me to do my best...
n i've did my best now i need to TAWAQAL..
p/s : for everyone yg read this..[mcm la ade kn..]doakan keputusan saya dan jugak2 rakan2 seperjuangan saya berjaya mendapat kptsn flying colors sem ni.. okeyh. (^_-)
*may ALLAH will always be with all of US... (^_^)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
UITM BEST skang tgh sgt bz..nk siapkn
assgmnt yg bertimbun2...
penat jugak..mau pg restoran2..pastu kena buat utk presentation semua..
really tiring....
assgmnt yg bertimbun2...
penat jugak..mau pg restoran2..pastu kena buat utk presentation semua..
really tiring....
ckp da buat jek..
hihihi~ but there's always time for me to online...
right now i've been leaving a really hard n rough life...
but i hope i wont stop smiling..
hihihi~ but there's always time for me to online...
right now i've been leaving a really hard n rough life...
but i hope i wont stop smiling..
Thursday, July 7, 2011
!!!السلام عليكم
blurr plak nk start ayat cmne..hahha~
senar nye arini sje jek nk taip sikit...
hihi..adeq mau kasi tau...adeq akn g ke KEMAMAN xlame lagi....
LOJI?? hahaha..actually ia adalah gas & kn~
actually adeq serious sgt takut..sbb adeq xmo jd cm time form4 dulu..msuk teknik pastu kuar blik...
eeerrrr...harap2 sgt kat sne xstrict sgt...n subjek yg adeq amik tu pun syok saja..n kwn2 nye sgt2 cool n best~
n harap2 fon adeq xbuat hal...klo xmmg adq ggt dinding kat hostel tu utk 3hari 3mlm..
takot sgt i miss my family or ..xmo2..
ari slase aritu g beli brg2 sikit utk ke sana...
tp serious kot beli brg sikit pun mahal gedabak! hesh~~
pe nak jdi HARAP MAKLUM..adeq ttp suke shopping...
pastu arini..g buka acc bank..hihi [first time kot]
sonok skali...akk tu ckp..."adek xleh dpt card lg sbb xckup 18..."lg 3buln bru leh buat..
eerrggghhh!!! GERAM pastu da r adeq ni mmg xd signature kn! skali dia mntk sign plak...
adeyh..smpai teslh2 ler adeq sign kat buku bank tu..ase cm nk nangis jek bile slh tu...benci..benci..benci...
but xp r...asalkn da de bank acc...hihi
pastu td g singgah umah cikgu sabariah jup...yash!! kaklong[anak ckgu sabariah] serious rajin gile!!! mmg ase cm malu jek sbb adeq an sgt5 pemalas...hihi..
pastu g amik gmbr...xsmpai 10min pun..hihi..harap2 gmbr tu cute! gementar...
n esok maybe g beli brg agi kot....hihihi~ i love!!! shopping! you too right??!
blurr plak nk start ayat cmne..hahha~
senar nye arini sje jek nk taip sikit...
hihi..adeq mau kasi tau...adeq akn g ke KEMAMAN xlame lagi....
LOJI?? hahaha..actually ia adalah gas & kn~
actually adeq serious sgt takut..sbb adeq xmo jd cm time form4 dulu..msuk teknik pastu kuar blik...
eeerrrr...harap2 sgt kat sne xstrict sgt...n subjek yg adeq amik tu pun syok saja..n kwn2 nye sgt2 cool n best~
n harap2 fon adeq xbuat hal...klo xmmg adq ggt dinding kat hostel tu utk 3hari 3mlm..
takot sgt i miss my family or ..xmo2..
ari slase aritu g beli brg2 sikit utk ke sana...
tp serious kot beli brg sikit pun mahal gedabak! hesh~~
pe nak jdi HARAP MAKLUM..adeq ttp suke shopping...
pastu arini..g buka acc bank..hihi [first time kot]
sonok skali...akk tu ckp..."adek xleh dpt card lg sbb xckup 18..."lg 3buln bru leh buat..
eerrggghhh!!! GERAM pastu da r adeq ni mmg xd signature kn! skali dia mntk sign plak...
adeyh..smpai teslh2 ler adeq sign kat buku bank tu..ase cm nk nangis jek bile slh tu...benci..benci..benci...
but xp r...asalkn da de bank acc...hihi
pastu td g singgah umah cikgu sabariah jup...yash!! kaklong[anak ckgu sabariah] serious rajin gile!!! mmg ase cm malu jek sbb adeq an sgt5 pemalas...hihi..
pastu g amik gmbr...xsmpai 10min pun..hihi..harap2 gmbr tu cute! gementar...
n esok maybe g beli brg agi kot....hihihi~ i love!!! shopping! you too right??!
Monday, May 16, 2011
MUAHAHHAAHAHA~ arini i want to tell u something yg aaaagak embarrassing...hihi
seriously semua org pun ade something yg dorg xsuke right?! like me....
ok! the truth! adeq XSUKE mandi pgi....
eheh! malu nyer~
MANUSIA : eyt! ape la bdk ni....xsuke mandi! BUSUK!
ADEQ : lantak aku ler!! aku xbusuk keyh....aku bkn nye xsuke mandi aku juz xsuke mandi PAGI jek!!! + klo aku mandi aku mandi lame! bkn cm kau! mandi 5minit jek..weeekkk! ...
saya WANGI keyh..hahhahah~
saya WANGI keyh..hahhahah~
Saturday, May 14, 2011
HAHAHA~ arini teringin plak nak post something yg lebih pnjg n seronok dibce..but xtau r berjaye o x..ngeng~ well adeq an xreti nk mengarang..sbb tu bm dpt A-
ok! td adeq watched cite ni...w/o SUBTITLE keyh!
ok! cite ni mmg mengharu kn n touchin'2 hahhaa~ tgk td meleleh air mata walaupun xphm septh harem pun!!....ngoingoiNGOI
actually byk nangis bkn sbb cite tu sedih [mmg la xdinafikan cite ni mmg sad!]but cm lam kple otak ni ade benda lain yg di pk...sena nye dr pg asik tepk sorg kwn baik time adeq kecik his name is kenny....really miss him...n bkn tu jek but adeq sgt rindu zamn dulu..time adeq xyah pk anything yg menyakit kan keple... n yg membuat aty adeq sakit...
adeq nk sgt blik ke mse lalu dimana adeq nan kenny msih lg adeq mse stu minit utk berjumpa dgn dia pun xp...adeq cume xnk persahabatan ni terkubur begitu jek...adeq nk kasi dia no fon that kitaorg bole contact..hahha [angan kanak2 sungguh!] cmne agak nye dia skang kn?! mesti tinggi cam his father...hohoho~ nk dibandingkan dia ngan org lain..dia seseorg yg xbole nk di ungkapkan dgn kata2 manis yg kita seng2 jek kasi kat org lain....dia ni lebih dlm drpd itu..dia tersimpan jauh dlm aty adeq ni...siyes sedih...skang ni pun ngalir air mata..eerrr~
tp klo ikut dia..dia msti nak adeq hargai kwn yg ade nan adeq skang...[xp kenny..jgn isau adeq mmg sayunx an dorunk..] lgpun adeq sayunx kan semua kwn2 adeq yg ade d sisi adeq..secre sengaja or xsengaja sbb serious everyone yg pernah beborak or bergado nan adeq is my frenz! [nnti adeq msuk an gmbr mereka2 yg special tu]
skang ni lam kple otak adeq cm terlalu byk benda yg di pk...serious buat list pun mmg pnjg nye mengelilingi satu benua australia tau! mmg cm kusut sgt kple ni...adeq xsuke rse cmni sbb ia sungguh menyakit kan....bile ckp psl kwn n kenangan adeq mmg akn tension....mungkin kah adeq ni ade "Stress of Past Memories syndrome" ..tension tau~
eerr xleh nk pk da..anti adeq tmbh kn lg yerk..n dlm mse yg sme adeq akn memperbaiki BMT adeq[konon jek pkai BMT tp bm biasa pun hampeh! ~] hahah~ + adeq akn mencantik kn lg bhse yg adeq guna kn...
ok la...that's all for today...
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